
Softball: A Brief Quasi-Rant

Dear People,

Keith’s team beat my own on the last hit of a resplendent 15-14 sojourn into the bittersweet process of post-electoral recovery. Still, it felt good for everyone to just get out there and smack something, and frankly, to smack it hard. And I’m not saying this just because the battered and sullied surface of this week’s game ball rendered it a stirring aerobic Rorschach test in which I personally saw the smug Machiavellian kisser of Karl "Slimelover" Rove.

The point is that I will not let you fall into an inertial stupor just because we live in a grand Loonacracy, and therefore there will be a game this Sunday at 11AM at San Pablo #2, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning….Raymond


Softball: Our Ally the Sun

Dear People,

There will (hopefully) be a game at San Pablo #2 this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now, there are still two slots left. Please note that you will need to check email or voicemail on Sunday morning, since as of now all Berkeley City fields are offically closed and brutally soaked (And unlike Codornices, San Pablo is probably too exposed to pretend we just don’t see the Closed signs).

Assuming we can play, this week’s field will be just $2, and that includes a complimentary one year subscription to the UCLA Journal of Oxen, Steer and other Bovine Societies….Raymond 845-7552


Softball: Sunday 8AM: Informed Consent

The good news: The sky is blue, San Pablo #2 is basically dry and officially open, and as they used to say back in the day, life’s so bright ya gotta wear shades.

The disconcerting news: As is my wont, I went to pick up the field reservation on Friday, but unbeknownst to me, this Thursday’s Veterans Day Holiday has undergone a local Thansgivingization, and thus all Berkeley City offices were closed for a four-day weekend. I was therefore unable to get the reservation, which as you know, is the foundation of my organizational integrity (Frankly, outside of that and my stirring good looks, I have little else to offer you).

The upshot is that I’m pretty sure we’ll be able to grab the field since we’ve now been there at the same time for the last few weeks and it doesn’t look like others were eyeing it in the past. However, I can’t guarantee access as I normally do, and thus if you are coming from outside the immediate area and want to cancel, you can do so without guilt or prejudice (as they say in the legal biz). In fact, you can even do so if you’re from the immediate area, but in that case the taint of riskaphobic woositude would be yours to bear.

The game is free/As of now, one slot left/Those who arrive early and act territorially authoritative get extra brownie points/See ya at 11….Raymond 845-7552