
Softball: A Somewhat Discursive Approach to the Narrative Form

Dear People,

Let the record show that just minutes before the opening pitch, Mike Davey suddenly requested that I exchange Alan Shabel for Frank, a disconcerting trade which left me feeling vulnerable, queasy and even unclean. Yet six minutes later, it was the Frankenator himself who started things off by smashing a staggering grand slam to deep center right, and in so doing, it was he who truly unleashed our frothy aerobic stein of 1st-inning 8-run whoop-ass. Mikey looked a bit sullen as his side plunged deep into a dark aerobic abyss, though to his credit, he kept a stiff upper lip with a suggestive patina of pure industrial Vaseline. Still, his side went down, and down hard, 15-7, on a tragic series of inchoate rallies that were methodically snuffed out like disoriented garden rats.

I refer you to the bottom of the 4th, when Corey took off from 2nd on a shallow two-out two-on single to right. In a desperate attempt to cut into our commanding double-digit lead, the Corester rounded 3rd and darted for home, but quickly found himself trapped in a savage and ever tightening pickle. Dave Ross closed in from 3rd, Mary put the squeeze on from home and Chris Fure dashed in from the mound to orchestrate the final coup de Core. Then, in a gloriously impetuous act of breathtaking tactical sagacity, Mary suddenly collapsed straight onto the 3rd-base line, using a curious duck'n'cover maneuver that not only blocked off Corey's last hope of escape, but also put her in an exceptionally secure position had the Hayward fault broke right then and there. In all candor, it was the most transcendent display of disparate multi-taking that I think I've ever seen.

The point is that I believe Mary's motives were eerily similar to Antonia Villaroel, Martin's beloved psychiatrist in El Rostro de la Venganza-my favorite telenovela and currently a minor obsession of mine as I methodically watch my way toward the Spanish-language proficiency of your average Mexican fetus. Sure, Antonia initially misjudged Ezequiel's true intent, just as Mary could never really know if Corey's shoes would land on her face, yet in the end, both rose to the challenges that nearly destroyed their lives forever. Yeah, I think we can all see where I'm going with this, and therefore there will be a game at Grove Park this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning. . . Raymond

PS: You think I just make this stuff up?! No, no I don't:


PPS: My generation:



Softball: Another Visit to Chez Pretentious

Dear People,

There will be a game at Grove Park this Sunday at 11AM, and as of now there are still four slots left.

Please bring $4 for the field, which for this week only includes a special post-game bouillabaisse cooked in the fireplace, with grilled levain bread_, wild fennel and local Emeryville goat cheeses_…..Raymond 845-7552