
Softball: Recruitment with Honor

Dear People,

It is Friday morning and we are still SEVERAL players short for Sunday's game. Frankly, I am somewhat surprised that I would have to grovel on the 105th anniversary of Hugh "One Arm" Daily's magnificent 1-0 no-hitter against the Philadelphia Phillies. I suppose I could write a 445 page appeal filled with salacious details about Daily's sordid liaisons with various Crackerjack girls, but I believe we should celebrate his contributions to baseball on its own terms, and I for one will not pander to the baser instincts that currently run rampant through the land.

The bottom line is that without a quorum , there will not be a game. So make that commit. Do it now. Do it for Hugh "One Arm" Daily, whose despicable sexual transgressions would have no doubt added color and vibrancy to baseball history, had they only been exposed...Raymond