
Softball: The Fight for Justice

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last week's 14-11 game, which clearly redefined the standards by which sheer athletic pulchritude are measured. It seems that each week we set the bar just a bit higher, and each week, we as a softball playing people continue to meet the challenge. True, we are not a political movement in the traditional sense, but given our impassioned yet tacit unanimity on issues ranging from the infield fly rule to the Middle East, it is clear that we'll be a force to be reckoned with come the early Quayle years.

That being said, there will be a game this Saturday at 5PM, if I get enough commits by this Thursday Night. Sorry, but this was the only time I could reserve Kleeberger for a two hour slot. I understand that this kind of change plays emotional havoc with your cravings for stability, but just try to be strong.

I also realize that some of you will be tempted to stray from making the right decision simply because it is labor day weekend. I guess I don't have to remind educated Berkeley types such as yourselves that in the late 19th century, as the toiling multitudes fought for the eight hour day and the right to unionize, Emma Goldman herself declared that "socialism and softball are the theoretical foundations upon which the proletarian classes will achieve their fair share of the economic pie." Think about it. Socialism and softball. I think you see my point. Make that commit. Do it for the workers....Ray