
Softball: A Goodbye Feast

Dear People,

Anthony's team crushed Chris Fure's 28-16, but that's fairly irrelevant since I wasn't even there. More importantly, I'm now writing you from the storied Cantonese hamlet of Panyu, where, much to my surprise, there is an insatiable thirst for all things softball (if by 'softball,' one actually means 'soccer'). In any case, there will be a special game and post-match potluck barbecue at Codornices this Sunday at 11. This will be in part to celebrate the 223rd anniversary of Bastille Day, which, as we all know, brings out the joyous inner froggy of every citizen of the world from Panyu to Paris. But more importantly for us, it's also a chance to say fond farewells to Tony Mac and Mary, who will be moving back to Michigan after nearly five years as being among the least French of the great moral backbones of this entire community.

Please send your game commits to me at this address, and assuming you're planning to stay for the barbecue (all are welcome, including friends, family and embittered ex-lovers), please cc Mary at mavesian@yahoo.comand let her know what communal contribution you're bringing. Highly recommended offerings include at least two grills, coal and lighter fluid, blankets to sit on, a couple card tables, paper towels/plates/cups, tons of ice, soft drinks, juices, beer, more ice (bonus points if finely crushed), spatulas, real knives and plastic silverware, side salads, fine breads and cheeses, condiments, onions, mayo, brownies, cake, homemade ethnic entrees that grandma used to cherish, more ice, chips, assorted fresh fruit, raw vegetables, and if you're really feeling inspired by the provenance of this missive, sautéed chicken testes with ma po tofu.

Logistically onward!….Raymond

PS: Don't panic if my commit-OKs take longer than usual (up to a day or so); My email access is sporadic, though regardles, I'm currently 16 hours ahead of all your terrapin American asses.


Softball: Quickly from Fashionable Long Wu Road in Sultry Hong Kong…

Dear People,

There will be a game and post-match barbecue at Codorncies this Sunday at 11, and as of now it is full. As always, please let me know ASAP if you committed and need to cancel, and feel free to get on the wait list or contact me later for news of reopened slots.

$4 for the field/See ya Sunday....Raymond 845-7552 (back home as of late Saturday afternoon)

PS: Please remember to tell Mary what you're bringing if you're staying for the barbecue.