
Softball: The Historian's Sport

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last weekend's 14-10 exercise in somewhat off-kilter and frisky athleticism. Yes, we had to eliminate an inning in order to bring a simple dignity to the overall balance of battle, but our very willingness to engage in Orwellian historiography shows that we are a mature and seasoned people, whose love for recreational mirth will always transcend the baser instinct of lust for triumph. I get a bit veklempt just thinking about the goodness of the human spirit, so you can imagine how emotional I was last Saturday.

In any case, there will be another game next Saturday, July 4th, at 11AM, IF I get enough commits by this Thursday noon. I suspect that many of the more astute among you have noticed that this July 4th will fall on the 4th of July, but that is no reason to play coy with your passion for athletic excellence. Indeed, as I wrote last year at about this time.......

As the 4th approaches, I am reminded of the intense pressures that Jefferson, Adams and Franklin must have felt when they decided to pen that most momentous of definitive divorces, their very lives at stake as cunning little fish-and-chips eating British troops scampered throughout the Pennsylvania bush. These intrepid and indefatigable revolutionaries would have no doubt given anything to play an exciting game of softball, but stuck as they were in the 18th century, they had to settle for yeoman farming and really boring arguments about the nature of mercantilism. I think you see my point. Make that commit. Do it for the children. Do it now. Indeed, the line from Alexander Hamilton to Jackie Robinson to all of you is the very essence of the American experience........

As you know, I get a bit veklempt when I think about the goodness of the human spirit, so you can imagine how emotional I got when I read that again. But that's neither here nor there. The point is that it's two Spice Girls CDs and one year later, and I need at least 16 commits by this THURSDAY MORNING, not Friday, since Berkeley Parks and Recreation will be closed on the 3rd, and without the reservation slip, the game doesn't happen. Yes, I realize that there's a lot to internalize here, what with the need for an early commit and the frightening 11AM game time, but I have no doubts that you will act with the courage and punctual clarity that lie deep within the marrow of your souls....Ray

PS: Due to harsh budgetary realities, the next game will have a $2 reservation fee. I suppose If any individual can seduce me with a truly compelling tale of abject woe, I may consider extending a bridge loan upon the presentation of sufficient collateral, such as a piece of loin cloth or a bowl of fiber.