March 19, 1999

Where Have all the Flowers Gone?

Dear People,

There will be a game tomorrow at Kleeberger North at Noon; As of now, there are just four slots left for late commits.

If the whether turns foul, we still have at least six players for football, which means that merely wet and yucky conditions will not prevent the truly dedicated from obtaining the aerobic nutrients that we so desperately crave. If in doubt, please call.....Raymond 845-7552


Unfortunately, I must announce a potential crisis in the organizational foundation of our athletic community. After having reserved the field, I dropped by the Recreational Sports Facility to verify that Kleeberger was in fact not taken by anybody at Cal, such as the pernicious Woman's lacrosse team that has so maltreated us in the past. When I gently complained that the problem of double bookings was a either a sign of callous disrespect or potential senility, I was astonished to be told that in fact, EVEN if the field is legitimately reserved, official UC Berkeley teams have first priority over all others, including those who reserve it.

This startling conversation took place deep within the bowels of the RSF bureaucracy, and while I was tempted to scream out in moral indignation, it was hard to muster much ethical leverage since as some of you may know, as a non-student, I'm actually not even supposed to be there. Truth be told, I've never really had a right to sign us up at all, little less for two hours at a time (OK, mea culpa---so sue me). Of course, I feel that a well crafted long-running scam on the right side of history has the support of the Lord behind it, while the arrogance with which the University acts can only be seen as the sordid yelp of institutional decay.

In any case, the bottom lime is this: By double-checking on Fridays, I should be able to know with near certainty that the field will be ours, but I'll usually not know for absolute sure, since any Cal team can claim it under their shameful rules (Such is the case for tomorrow: I was just told by the head of Rec Scheduling that she was unaware of any teams that had phantom booked it as a backup for rain). Apparently, this is the way it has always been, and I was just under the illusion that once I got the reservation, we were safe.

I was tempted to not tell you any of this, for I have always cherished your administrative innocence. But I've decided that informed consent is the best policy, and so now you know: Games planned for Kleeberger will always have a slight risk of being sabotaged. Given this, we should be prepared to scout out city fields as immediate backups, but I obviously think you should continue to commit to these games as if this unsettling news were merely a distasteful dream, perhaps set in that distant era before Mario Savio at least temporarily humanized the machine.