
Softball: A Brief Case-Study in the Wikification of Tactical Responses to Writer's Block

Dear People,

My team jumped out to a staggering 14-3 lead after just one inning, and while Anthony's contingent fought back for the rest of the match with a certain post-traumatic dignity, they still went down, and down hard, 17-9. The fact is that all 10 of my peeps got a solid hit on their first time at the plate (!), and in fact, Jerry had to face 15 batters before he finally notched his first three outs on a series of atavistic two-knuckle sliders.

Now look, I concede the entire game might've been different had he reverted to form from the get-go, but I still can't be bothered by snide taunts from the likes of Michael Davey and Chris Fure, who both glibly claimed that had the bottom of the first simply been extracted from the game qua game, their side would've somehow crushed us into counterfactual pixie dust. Indeed, what kind of speculative fantasists think that entire half-innings can be gerrymandered asunder, as if they were nothing more than the frosted peninsular cupcakes of rapacious modern-day Czars, Bulgars and Scythians! That's right, Scythians, and needless to say, I think you get my point.

The point is that sometimes I like to let the trajectory of my weekly aerobic wooage drift from the organizational task at hand, and that's especially true if it's already deep into Tuesday night and I find myself overwhelmed by the sheer vastness of my narrative indifference. So yeah, perhaps it's callous and even cynical to expect that I'll corral enough of you into yet one more match by simply tossing out some cryptic allusion to the distant anthropological backdrop of the crisis du jour, and yet, at the risk of sounding impertinent, I'm pretty sure that's all it's gonna take. And therefore there will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, IF I get enough commits by this Friday morning. . . Ray


Softball: A Certain Pungency to the Nose

Dear People,

There will be a game at Codornices this Sunday at 11, and as of now there is still one slot left. One!

Please bring $5 for the field, which for this week only includes a rare post-match glass of Eisele Vineyards' inimitable 1994 Cabernet Sauvignon (Yeah, 1994-not that crap from '95) . . .Raymond 845-7552