
Softball: Is Not Sport the Point?

Dear People,

Congratz to all on last Sunday's breathtaking 10 person 35-21 touch football game, which truly was a lesson in raw athletic flexibility. While it is true that we are a softball-playing-people by both tradition and bio-genetic disposition, sometimes you just have to adapt to the harsh climatic realities that an indifferent and callous universe presents.

That being said, it is once again pouring as I write, and the perspicacious whether people are predicting more of the same bitter cold through the weekend. Many of you will also be occupied. Therefore, there will be another touch football game, this Sunday at 11AM at Kleeberger, if I get a minimum of 8 commits by this Friday afternoon. RAIN OR SHINE.

Yes, I know that many will be tempted to rise up in righteous indignation, for we all know that football is a game of dubious ethical integrity that cannot truly compete with the intellectual grace and strategic aerobic purity of our beloved past-time. Perhaps, but it's still loads of fun, a true hoot when played in the rain, and truth be told, it offers a tad of a smidgin more of a workout than the beloved alternative. Not inconsequentially, it can also be played with half as many people, which is key for this particular weekend.

So look into your heats and rise above your prejudices, and make that commit, for yes, it is not technically softball, but it is sport, and it is community, community as lush and clarion as the morning dew....Raymond